7 Tips to Help Ensure Your AC Works During the Hot Summer Months

As the scorching summer heat arrives, your AC unit becomes your best friend in providing cool and comfortable indoor temperatures. To ensure that it keeps running efficiently and effectively throughout the season, proper care and maintenance are crucial. In this article, we’ll explore essential tips on how to care for your AC unit during hot summer days, enabling it to perform optimally and potentially saving you energy costs.

Change or Clean the Air Filters:

One of the simplest yet most important maintenance tasks for your AC unit is regularly changing or cleaning the air filters. Clogged filters can restrict airflow, reduce cooling efficiency, and strain the system. Check the filters monthly and clean or replace them as needed to maintain proper airflow and improve indoor air quality.

Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear:

The outdoor unit of your AC system, known as the condenser, needs sufficient airflow to operate efficiently. Clear any debris, leaves, or vegetation that may have accumulated around the unit. Ensure there is at least two feet of clearance around the unit to allow for proper air circulation. Additionally, trim any nearby foliage to prevent obstruction.

Regularly Clean the Coils:

The evaporator and condenser coils of your AC unit can accumulate dirt and debris over time, reducing their efficiency. Inspect and clean the coils annually or as needed to enhance heat transfer. Turn off the power supply and gently remove debris using a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. Consider hiring a professional for thorough coil cleaning.

Check and Clean the Condensate Drain:

Your AC system produces condensation that needs to drain properly. Check the condensate drain regularly and ensure it is free from clogs or blockages. A clogged drain can lead to water damage and decreased cooling efficiency. If necessary, clean the drain using a mixture of water and vinegar or contact a professional for assistance.

Schedule Professional Maintenance:

Regular professional maintenance is vital for the long-term efficiency and lifespan of your AC unit. Consider scheduling an annual maintenance visit with us. We will inspect, clean, and tune up your system, identifying and addressing any potential issues before they become major problems.

Optimize Your Thermostat Settings:

Optimize your thermostat settings to balance comfort and energy efficiency. Set your thermostat to a reasonable temperature that keeps you comfortable while avoiding excessive cooling. Consider using programmable or smart thermostats to adjust temperature settings based on your occupancy patterns, saving energy when you’re away.

Minimize Heat Gain:

Reduce the amount of heat entering your home to lighten the load on your AC unit. Close curtains or blinds during the hottest parts of the day to block direct sunlight. Insulate your home properly to prevent heat transfer. Use fans or ceiling fans to enhance air circulation and create a perceived cooling effect.


Caring for your AC unit during hot summer days is essential to ensure it operates efficiently, keeping your home cool and comfortable while minimizing energy consumption. By following these tips, including regular filter changes, clearing the outdoor unit, cleaning the coils and condensate drain, scheduling professional maintenance, optimizing thermostat settings, and minimizing heat gain, you can extend the lifespan of your AC unit and enjoy a cool and energy-efficient home all summer long.

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